Internet and TV for your business

Hotel multimedia specialists

We provide a comprehensive technology package that will exceed your guests’ expectations.

Take your business to another higher level

Hotel Guest Journey – We help hotels and companies accelerate their technological evolution by offering an integrated portfolio of cutting-edge products and services that enhance every step of the hotel guest journey.

The modern “guest journey” is more than just a stay – it is a holistic experience, from booking to check-out. With our help, you can ensure a seamless journey through all guest touchpoints, enriching their experience and engagement through an intuitive mobile app, seamless internet access, reliable hotel automation and personalized TV entertainment.

The highest standards
Comprehensive solutions
Innovative technology
Experienced team

Whether you're starting a new project or improving existing solutions, you deserve a technology partner who will engage in your endeavor with the same enthusiasm as an integral part of your team.

Netflix w hotelu

Easy-to-use TV solutions are the perfect complement to a comfortable stay for guests. Thanks to advanced DVB and IPTV technology, you can deliver TV programs to every room. Hotel TVs provide stable, digital signal reception and a wide range of channels, including sports, news and entertainment.

Hotel TV is a perfect solution for hotels, offering the highest quality of entertainment to guests.

iBeeQ - Najlepsze wifi w hotelu

We use the latest WiFi technologies, ensuring a reliable and fast connection for all guests. Dedicated WiFi networks are tailored to the needs of hotels, ensuring wide signal coverage in every room. Regardless of the number of guests and devices, advanced WiFi technology ensures a stable connection and high speeds.

Wireless Internet access for hotel guests is an essential service in the digital age.

Jak uruchomić Netflix w hotelu

Casting systems allow you to conveniently share and watch your favorite content on a large TV screen. This functionality is especially important because guests use a variety of streaming platforms, games and applications on their mobile devices. We carry out professional measurements and audits of WiFi networks.

Casting content from mobile devices to a hotel room TV is an important feature for guests traveling with tablets and smartphones.

Thanks to them, guests can easily book rooms, check the availability of services, order meals and submit service requests. Mobile apps personalize the guest experience and provide easy access to information about the hotel and its attractions. By working with us, you ensure the efficient and smooth operation of your mobile applications. Provide your guests with an exceptional experience using mobile hotel applications.

Mobile applications for hotels not only facilitate the stay of guests traveling with their own mobile devices, but also an effective marketing tool.

Kontakt z firmą iBeeQ
Room control

Automatyka pokoju hotelowego GRMS to nowoczesne rozwiązanie, które rewolucjonizuje sposób, w jaki goście wchodzą w interakcję ze swoim środowiskiem podczas pobytu. Wykorzystując zaawansowane technologie, pozwala gościom na personalizację wielu aspektów ich pokoju – od regulacji oświetlenia, temperatury, przez obsługę rolet, po dostęp do multimediów – wszystko to za pomocą prostego interfejsu, jakim może być panel dotykowy, aplikacja mobilna lub asystenci głosowi.

Automatyka zwiększa komfort i zadowolenie gości. Przyczynia się do efektywności energetycznej i operacyjnej hotelu, umożliwiając zdalne zarządzanie i monitorowanie stanu pokoi.

Service and equipment

We specialize in designing hotel television networks, tailored to the individual needs of each hotel. Our solutions provide a wide selection of channels, excellent image and sound quality, and easy operation for guests. Additionally, we offer the design and installation of wireless Internet access for guests, ensuring a fast and reliable connection throughout the hotel. We also provide professional TV installation, optimal placement and access to all necessary functions. As part of a comprehensive service, we also provide service for hotel TVs, keeping them in excellent technical condition.

We comprehensively supply, install and service headends for hotels, ensuring the latest television standards, such as DVB-T, DVB-C and IPTV.

Telewizja DVB-T po skrętce kategorii 5/6/7
Pomiary wifi Tamograph

Precise measurements and audits of wireless networks ensure optimal operation and performance of your network. Identifying weak spots, interference and areas of poor coverage allows us to develop effective signal improvement strategies. Thanks to this, we can optimally place access points and adjust network parameters, ensuring a stable and fast connection for guests, employees and customers. Wireless network measurements are crucial for optimal WiFi network performance.

Wireless network measurements are crucial to the design and operation of WiFi networks.

Don't risk losing guests due to outdated technology.

Technological innovations

Czy kiedykolwiek wyobrażałeś sobie przesyłanie sygnału telewizyjnego przez skrętkę komputerową? A może zostałeś postawiony przed faktem dokonanym i w twoim hotelu, ktoś zapomniał o kablach antenowych, a telewizory nie odbierają IPTV? Albo chciałbyś uruchomić IPTV i szybki internet w hotelu, a nie ma infrastruktury LAN? Jesteś zainteresowany szybkim internetem z wykorzystaniem kabli koncentrycznych w sieci antenowej?
Wsparcie techniczne dla hoteli

Professional and trustworthy